Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What a wonderful God..!!

So today I just wanted to express my gratitude to my God for sending Jesus Christ to die for our sins on a horrible/crappy cross so that I may one day spend eternity with Him.

WOWOWOWOWOWOOW... i know i´ve heard this and we've heard this a THOUSAND TIMES but man, what a glorious thought that is for me, seriosuly.... especially to see my Lord Jesus and His FAITHFULNESS every day of my life..

I find it very humbling that even though we feel our faith is gone, the Lord is ever so faithful. He is always there no matter what we think or feel. I'm sure i know in my head that God is faithful and that He will never leave me nor forsake me but sometimes i need to trully know it in my heart.. cuz when hard times come and Hit my life it is always so easy to ask God WHY instead of sayin THANK YOU GOD cause i know ur POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN MY WEAKNESS

So wow God has been so faithful as ALWAYS.. It's really amazing because He's just doing CRAAAAZYYY stuff in my life lately, like, whats goin on at school, its AWESOME seeing students get involved with Vida Estudiantil.. its amazing how God uses His children to bring glory to His name. Wow I'm so priviledged to be used by God even if I fear sometimes, even if I doubt... It just blows my mind away... Even when we're not expecting to be used by the Lord, He uses us in weird but AMAZING ways..It just brings so much joy into my life, all I can say is that Im overwhelmed by God's grace and Im in awe of His great love each day... Praise God for His faithfulness

When the clouds seem their darkest And the daylight won’t come;
When you’re up to your ears and drowning and can’t find a straw to hang on.

When your load gets too heavy, or your shoes get too tight;
When you’re faced with life’s battles and have no will to fight;

Remember: Let go and let God.

Remember: He is the way.

You just trust in God’s mercy every night and every day;

Remember: All thru the darkness,

Remember: All thru the storm,
There’s a Light there to guide you.
and the Good Lord to lean on.

So praise God for what He has done in my life over these last few months and how His faithfulness is always here. Our God is a Great God and I pray that each one of us will testify to that in our lives more and more each day...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

“Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength..”
-Nehemiah 8:10
Sometimes when trouble hits my life and i start trying to solve things with my owns strength, and i stop believing God is in control. I start feeling weak, wondering how I can possibly make myself feel better? Everything leads me to realize again that "what I need to know is that strength doesn’t come from inside me, it comes from the joy I have in the Lord". How cool is that eh?
When I need strength, I can rely on the joy the Spirit produces in me. When my everything is focused on God, "trouble" & stupid things seem to lose its power. "LORD, I ask you to fill me with all joy and peace in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". (Romans 15:13)
God loves us so much that He not only sent us His Son; He sent us His joy! The joy of the world is WEAK, it's just CRAPPY; the Joy to the from God world is eternal. Only Jesus Christ can give us real, lasting joy, a joy that holds us fast in the good times and the bad times. So everynight when I feel my song (JOY) is gone, I try to be still and listen, for just a moment and theres always HIS song just having it's way deep within my heart.
And it's cool cuz God is soooo faithful, even when life is hard and its difficult to listen to His voice, He still calls my name and reminds me once again " LAURA EVERYTHING COMES WITH A PURPOSE".
It happens in moments of sorrow or happiness, distress or delight.
God comes in an awesome way to place a song in my heart...

So the more trouble that hits my life, the more I FALL IN LOVE with my AWESOME creator, My saviour King, my everything...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

"I thank you Lord for your faithfulness. Thank you because theres just no one like you, thank you for always calling me by name and giving me such great joy, and peace. Thank you for sending your holy spirit to protecting me from evil, I worship you and give you all the honour for ever and ever"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Take up ur cross

"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." (Luke 9:23, 24)
this bible verse kept me thinking a lot lately...


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

very firstt blog entry

So here i am.. i have no clue why the i created this blog but maybe it will be expressing how i feel..!! so what can i say today?... i'm so tired.. i've been workin with some canadian ppl from campus crusade for christ canada and it makes me tired. Today i didn't go to the university sharing with them because it was closed because of some random thing.. but it's actually great waking up everyday and knowing u were created with a purpose. Sometimes i think, what kind of person do i want to be? like in the song, "this is your life, are you who you wanna be?" and i realized like, no...i'm not who i want to be yet. but God knows who i should be..!! so im really excited because of this great experience... its a real blessing having the opportunity to go sharing the truth to these ppl who don't know it.!!
anyways have to go...